Interested in Interstital ads, but not banner? Thats ok, but I recommend your read my first post about banner ads. The first steps, installing Google Play Services, altering your permissions, adding to your manifests files, and reviewing my github demo are located in that tutorial.
Admob with Xamarin Android Part 1: BannerAd
This will be a brief overview on how to get admob working with Xamarin.
I highly suggest you run this on a real phone. I'm not sure if the virtual phones can load content on the internet. I always develop on a real phone.
Sample code located in a repo at github
Abstracting Xamarin Android SharedPreferences
The standard way to get/set SharedPreferences in Xamarin is with the following code.
Get Preference:
var shared = con.GetSharedPreferences(_preferenceName, FileCreationMode.WorldReadable);
var value = shared.All.Where(x => x.Key == key).FirstOrDefault().Value;
Set Preference:
var shared = con.GetSharedPreferences("PreferenceName", FileCreationMode.WorldWriteable);
var edit = shared.Edit();
edit.PutString(key, val);
The main issue I have/had with this is you often have to know what will be returned, and what type you need to save as. Usually this isn't difficult, but it adds an un-needed level of complexity.
The other major issues I have with this, is that it is quite verbose, and unnecessary. The code duplication here can be quite high.
Receiving feedback (without being an asshole)...
Feedback is a two way street if you are willing to hear your strengths reinforced, you should be able to handle what people think are your flaws.
Installing NodeBB on CentOS 6.5
NodeBB is forum software written on Node.js
The official installation instructions are on github, but the documentation is for Ubuntu.
To install on CentOS follow these instructions.
Setting up robots.txt for your ghost powered blog
Setting up your robots.txt file for your blog is easy, by adding a file called robots.txt in the root of your current themes directory.
iPhone or Android (From a guy living with both)
I know, I know the very first question you ask is going to be why do you have two phones, the answer being One is for work, the other is for my personal life. Now that we are done with that subject, we can get on with the review...
Providing feedback (without being an asshole)...
Giving and receiving feedback, allows us to maintain our strengths while improving our weaknesses. There are two major types of feedback, constructive, and reinforcing. Constructive feedback is asking someone to change behavior, while reinforcing is acknowledging good behavior.
Parsing, and Nesting Models in backbone.js
The Parse Function
The parse function allows you to do some pre-processing of the data sent from the server before the model is created. Parse should return an object containing the values that will make up this models attribues. This is called after the fetch command has recieved the data, but before the response is put into the model. The example below parses dates to local time before adding them to the model using moment.
You're doing it wrong (software testing)
One of the major systems that will stop you from losing money is your testing environment. The ability to properly test patches before they are put into production is a must.